Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Another Marathon Day...

Continuing our Prevost Preview, we spent most of Wednesday morning learning some of the secrets known only to a chosen few, interesting answers to questions like "Where do Prevosts go at night?"

Marian, being vertically challenged, was especially impressed by this, her first view of her heart's desire, and kept muttering "It's so big!" as her eyes slowly glazed over. Observations concerning poor fuel economy, no Smart Wheel, manual leveling system, no Aladdin, poor visibility and so on, were powerless in breaking the spell

Moving round the coach things got even worse. "It's so long and so pretty!" I heard her murmur and, for a brief moment, feared she would have to be sedated before an indictable offense was committed

Thankfully, the wily salesman, Fred, who had seen such behavior before, quickly opened the door and ushered her inside. Like magic, the lush and inviting interior worked it's charm and relaxed her almost to unconsciousness. Wonderful, thought I, with any luck she'll remember nothing when she comes round again

The bedroom only served to deepen this state of stupor as she absently fondled the bed cover, cooed about the lovely nightstands and gazed longingly at the manly array of AV equipment glowing eerily in the wardrobe
Then , disaster. That scheming Fred gently steered her to the cockpit and sat her in the drivers seat. Off we went again - "Oh, it's so comfortable" she cried and instantly regained full animation. Things were looking bad

Imagine then, her complete ecstasy when she discovered that she would have her own room. Without more ado, she scampered inside and demanded a cup of tea. The time for action had arrived. Administering a sharp rap up the side of the head, I dispatched her to the Monaco, explained to the hapless Fred that she had to be back at the clinic by noon and promptly fled
So, for a while at least, we will continue enjoying Black Bess, the little coach that could.


Anonymous said...

That is a very beautiful coach and looks like a coach that Marian wants and deserves after all the years of being in co-existance with a (insert your won adjectives)individual. Pictures look that would be a coach that we could live in too so let us use it when you go abroad ok?

Vicki and Don said...

I am SO disappointed! I thought we were finally going to "know" someone who owned a Prevost and would entertain us all in it!