Saturday, March 17, 2007

Home for the season change

Having steadily followed the improving temperatures north, we arrived home in Indiana on Monday, March 12. Over the preceding weeks there had been quite an accumulation of snow in the area but practically all evidence of this was gone - except for our driveway entrance. Before the thaw, snow must have been piled many feet deep with the successive road plowings and we got our exercise for the day with shovels and sledgehammer to break up the ice and clear the decks. Apart from that, everything went to script and the weather remained gorgeous - 70+ degrees - until Thursday when old man winter stopped by for a few days. But, one probably needs that once in a while to properly appreciate wintering in the warmth.
By and large, we kept so busy during the month it took us to cover the 1,000 miles northerly trek that blogging fell behind. Here is a link to a diary page covering part of the journey. More to follow...
PS - this morning it is bright, sunny, crisp and 24 degrees!

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