Saturday, February 24, 2007

SWMBO Rebounds

Hot on the heels of parting from her last fantasy (the Prevost), SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed) went on the rebound with the latest love of her life - a house on the lake. Accordingly, on a recent morning we traipsed around several prospective properties.
Here are some pics of one agreeable edifice on Lake Minneola, complete with space for a couple of RVs. Time for some more understanding "Yes Dears" with further liberal doses of duplicity and misdirection. Stay tuned for new information...


Anonymous said...

Space for two RVs mmmmm please pencil us in for the month of February, 2009 assuming the coat is indicative the amenities included and would sales tax included and hope electric would not be metered.

Marian if you can't decide get both the Preost and lake cottage.

Anonymous said...

Guess I should learn to spell or at least preview coat = cost & preost =prevost

Bob and Marlene Rea said...

Will there be an age limit or model requirement to park at your lake bungalow? We have been thinking about upgrading the coach, will do it to meet your requirements. Let me know when you can fit us in......

Vicki and Don said...

Having HAD a lake house...we can certainly advise you! We'd like to reserve a spot there as well! If the price is right, maybe we could become neighbors? Do they allow boats and can you water ski or are there gators in the water?